International Economics

Research topics

The research team in International Economics aims at research with high policy and societal relevance, methodologically disciplined, and based on clear theoretical foundations within the specific field. This is reflected in the issues on which one or more staff members do research:

  • Wage inequality and international trade;
  • Efficiency and productivity measurement and analysis
  • The construction of composite indicators and the analysis of regional integration
  • The construction of AUGAMA (AUGmented AMAdeus);
  • Determinants of international migration;
  • Location of firms and spill over effects of multinational firms
  • (Quantitative) historical analysis in International Economics
  • Issues in international tax competition


  • Frank Caestecker
    Frank Caestecker works on the historical analysis of International Economics.
  • Bruno Merlevede
    Bruno Merlevede works on issues of international investment and multinational firms.
  • Glenn Rayp
    Glenn Rayp works on income inequality and economic growth, wage inequality, social protection and international trade.
  • Ilse Ruyssen
    Ilse Ruyssen works on drivers of migration (aspirations), implications of migration and the measurement of immigration policies.