iRUNman-consortium (Hercules funding)

The iRUNman-consortium was the beneficiary of a medium-scale research infrastructure funding (AUGE/11/025) of €430.000 by the Hercules Foundation in 2011. The grant is awarded for purchase and installation of an Integrated Research UNit for human Motion Analysis, which is housed in the Sports Science Laboratory – Jacques Rogge.

iRUNman  (acronym for “Integrated Research UNit for human Motion ANalysis”) performs experimental research on human locomotion, from walking to jumping, with innovative methods and know-how from the movement sciences, engineering and musicology. Ghent University College (HoGent) participates with automated image recognition from the visual analysis group. The research topics range from advanced fundamental research to applied technological innovations. The human gait is investigated through a powered exoskeleton with pneumatic `muscles'. A detailed biomechanical analysis of the foot-ground interaction is applied to the optimization of athletic footwear. New methods are developed to identify determinants of talent in World-class runners. The interaction between locomotion and visual and auditive cues is explored.  Portable miniature motion sensors are optimized in the iRUNman laboratory and find their way to field applications.

Funded equipment
The integrated instrumentation of iRUNman includes among others:

  • 3D kinematics with 12-camera infrared system (Qualisys)
  • Powerful Instrumented spilt belt treadmill (Bertec)
  • Wireless 16 channel Electromyography (Noraxon)
  • Mobile cardiorespiratory monitoring (Oxycon Mobile)



Consortium members:

Department of Movement and Sports Sciences (Ghent University):

Center of Sports Medicine (UZ-Gent):

IPEM (Ghent University):

CMST-Elis (Ghent University)

Vision Systems (Ghent University - University College Ghent – HoGent)

Prof. Peter Veelaert