Lab of Plant Growth Analysis

Lab Plant Growth Ghent Global Campus Korea
Lab Plant Growth Ghent Global Campus Korea


Former staff


The mission of the Laboratory of Plant Growth Analysis is to conduct systematic and comprehensive research towards plant growth and development, with a specific goal to foster crop improvement through integrated and multidisciplinary research on model plant systems.

Research topics include (1) novel biostimulants and their mode of action by developing rapid, and reliable phenotypic and molecular screening methods; (2) genome editing by targeting plant yield genes; (3) exploring the role of plant specific metabolites with a specific focus on cell elongation; (4) development of phytotoxicity testing methods (diatoms/Euglena) (in collaboration with Incheon National University).

Next to that, the lab contributes to (research-based) teaching in several life science courses at GUGC, and prepares BA/MA/PhD students for careers in the field of plant science and plant biotechnology, both in academia and industry.


The lab of Plant Growth Analysis gives courses for undergraduate students in the BSc programmes of Environmental Technology, Food Technology and Molecular Biotechnology at Ghent University Global Campus:

  • General Biology (Ba1): this is a basic course in biology with emphasis on the universal features of life, i.e. the general concepts in biological sciences. The course gives an introduction on the general (cell) biological processes in life forms, next to dealing with major concepts in energy generation (heterotrophs and autotrophs) as well as genetics and genetic information. The course also creates an overview of the different life forms and places this in the context of evolution.
  • Plant Biology (Ba2): this is a basic course in plant biology with emphasis on biodiversity and evolution. The course gives an introduction on the anatomy, morphology and taxonomy of plants in the light of evolution and how adaptation strategies have been explored in relation to conquering land. Typical features of the major taxa are discussed, as well as underlying relationships in anatomy and morphology and potential applications for agriculture and biotechnology.
  • Molecular Biology: Advanced Topics in Eukaryotes (Ba3 - BSc in Molecular Biotechnology): this course aims at confronting the student with the fundamental principles of molecular biology in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and zooms in on the structure-function relationship of DNA and chromosomes with regards to replication, transcription, translation and gene regulation. Relevant terminology is introduced and general concepts and principles are presented. An important aim is to bring insight into gene structure, recombination, gene expression and gene regulation, including the differences between pro-and eukaryotes.
  • Plant Physiology (Ba3 - BSc in Molecular Biotechnology): this course unveils some of the most enthralling mysteries of plant life and shows the uniqueness of plants as a life form. The topics that are dealt with demonstrate how plants work and function, and highlight cellular and biochemical processes needed to complete a plant's life cycle, in function of an ever changing environment. The course focuses mainly on higher plants and tackles physiological processes from a holistic perspective, i.e. focusing on the interrelationship between all organs of the plant. Next to that, the relationship between the plant (function) and the abiotic environment are deepened out.