Bachelor's programme

The bachelor's programme aims to instil a broad and multidisciplinary education. Our main mission is to educate students who can work independently on an academic level. The merits of scientific research, education and policy are expertly taught so they can be applied to a professional context where communication skills matter.

To accomplish this goal, students receive an education that is focused on imprinting a broad knowledge base of communication scientific theory. This broad and general formation hopes to stir the students’ curiosity about the many evolutions they are faced with on a daily basis. This programme takes a critical look at societal issues and the relationship between media and society. The issues are approached from a multidisciplinary angle and draw on substantial scientific research.

By giving students a broad base to work from, they are later able to follow a specialisation during the graduation year. The bachelor's programme also offers students the opportunity to continue their studies in a master's programme at a foreign university. It also gives students the chance to enter the labour market after completion.


More info: bachelor's programme