Financial support for the purchase of basic equipment


The Scientific Research Committee (CWO) wishes to provide financial support for the purchase of large research equipment. It should consist of important equipment that can preferably be used interdisciplinary by different departments, and for which other funding bodies (for example FWO, EU) have granted no or only partial funding.

Application procedure

The BOF application form and the BOF evaluation will be used as the basis for this call. Motivation for the purchase of the equipment is important and co-funding should be sought from the applicants.
applicants should seek co-funding

Who can apply?

  • All ZAP-members at the FBE.
  • Only one application can be submitted per ZAP member. A minimum employment of 50% is required.
  • The application has to be supported by at least 2 ZAP members. With 2 ZAP a maximum of 60.000 can be applied for, with 3 or more ZAP the maximum amount is € 100.000.

What can be applied for?

Financial support for the purchase of basic research equipment. The granting of support and the amount of support granted is decided upon by the Committee.

When can an application be submitted?

Application forms can be submitted until the deadline of 28 June 2022.

How to apply?

The applicant completes the application for BOF in Gismo after which the application is saved and sent to