How to find a fulfilling career. Discover your values, competencies and interests


Career Management

Target audience

All PhD candidates


Jo Bogaerts (PhD career hub, Doctoral School Office)


A PhD is a once in a lifetime experience. Upon completion PhDs need to figure out what their next career step will be. Whether they want to pursue an academic career or a career outside of academia, an effective job search cannot do without some decent introspection. In order to find a fulfilling career you need to understand what you are passionate about, what gives your energy, how you prefer to work, what competencies you have and want to acquire and what the guiding values are that underpin your life choices.


  • To get insight in the career prospects of PhDs
  • To become aware of what makes a healthy working environment based on the elements of the Self-Determination Theory
  • To determine personal and work values
  • To get a better understanding of interests
  • To get a better understanding of competences and how to communicate those in an interview setting

Dates and venue

5 November 2024

Venue: Vergaderzaal 1.2, Campus Ledeganck.


  • 10:00-10:30: getting to know each other
  • 10:30-10:45: career prospects and challenges for PhDs
  • 10:45-11:30: the self-determination theory explained + duos discussing results of pre-workshop exercise + group discussion on well-being
  • 11:30-12:15: duo exercise on personal values and work values
  • Lunch
  • 13:30-14:30: duo exercise on interests + present yourself to the group (what are the interests you found, how do/don’t they connect to your current research position)
  • 14:30-15:30: on the importance of being aware of (transferable) competences + exercise
  • Break
  • 15:45-16:30: bringing it all together: narrative self-presentation on the basis of the exercises


  • Follow this link for the registration and waiting list. We check if you are eligible to participate. Your registration will be confirmed by separate e-mail (outlook invite).
  • Cancellation of your registration can only be performed by sending an email to
  • The no show policy applies.

Registration fee

Free of charge for Doctoral School members.

Number of participants

Maximum 20



Evaluation method

100% attendance and active participation.

After successful participation, the Doctoral Schools will add this course to your curriculum of the Doctoral Training Programme in Oasis. Please note that this can take up to one to two months after completion of the course.