Design Strategies for Residential Ventilation Systems

Doctoral dissertation Jelle Laverge

Since installing an adequate ventilation system was integrated in new constructions was included in the building code in 2006, a lively public debate about the performance and even about the use of ventilation systems developed on different platforms. In the meantime, demand controlled ventilation and air-to-air heat exchangers have secured important and heavily competitive shares in the market for residential ventilation systems.
The analysis of the performance of residential ventilation systems presented in this dissertations demonstrates that the design strategies included in the current building codes result in sub-optimal performance. At the same time, it shows the large potential of demand controlled ventilation and of air-to-air heat recovery to improve this performance. The conflicting conclusions from different aspects of bedroom indoor air quality, on the other hand, underscore the need for further research in this field.


Doctoral student: Jelle Laverge
Public defense: 2013-07-01
Supervisor: prof. Arnold Janssens

Examination Board:
em. prof. dr. ir. Jan Van Campenhout, voorzitter
prof. Arnold Janssens, promotor, UGent - vakgroep Architectuur en Stedenbouw (EA01)
prof. Wim Boydens, secretaris, UGent - vakgroep Architectuur en Stedenbouw (EA01)
prof. Ivan Pollet, UGent - vakgroep Dierwetenschappen en Aquatische Ecologie (BW22)
prof. Michel De Paepe, UGent - vakgroep Elektrische Energie, Metalen, Mechanische Constructies en Systemen (EA08)
prof. Pawel Wargocki, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denemarken
prof. Atila Novoselac, University of Texas at Austin, VS
dr. ir. Peter Wouters, Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Centrum voor het Bouwbedrijf, Brussel

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