MI²B - Environmental Impact as an Engine for Sustainable Innovation at Construction Companies
Construction companies feel a strong push (from policy, clients and the banking sector) to build with a lower environmental impact. They want to position themselves as a sustainable construction partner, but they lack the right knowledge and expertise to build an efficient strategy. For instance, most construction companies have no idea about the environmental impact linked to their operation and/or the materials and systems they use. They do not know how to correctly determine the environmental impact and compare options, and how to use this as a basis for making more sustainable material choices, new (circular) solutions or an innovative way of working. For several years now, construction companies have increasingly been proactively contacting the Buildwise expert teams with concrete questions, e.g. How can I demonstrate that the impact of a timber frame construction is lower? How can I measure and improve the CO2 impact of my site? How can I integrate the environmental impact of materials into my business processes? ... There is a clear general demand for obtaining tailored information, insights, guidance and steering. However, existing tools are too labour-intensive and perceived as too complex by construction companies to be used efficiently in their day-to-day operations.
Life-cycle assessment (or LCA) is considered the methodology to obtain accurate and complete insights into CO2 emissions and environmental impact. A lot of knowledge already exists among the research partners about the methods, data, tools, .... Several cases have already been calculated, but this knowledge is not yet (or not sufficiently) known and used by the sector. An overview of general insights and guideline values representative of Belgian building practices is lacking. In addition, the government makes the TOTEM tool available for LCA of buildings. However, this lacks a number of important insights for construction companies, such as the impact of structural materials or site activities. Moreover, more innovative solutions are also not covered within the TOTEM tool.
MI²B aims to support construction companies in building and refining a sustainable business model. Through the translated knowledge and insights, they can commit to more sustainable choices, e.g. by adapting the site organisation, developing and applying circular building solutions, choosing different materials, or embracing new collaborative processes (Design&Build). This allows them to stand out in the market and meet the growing demand for carbon-neutral or environmentally friendly construction projects. The aim is to encourage companies to engage in product and process innovation, using environmental performance as a 'driver'.l.
Project Info
Research group: Building Physics
Start Date: 07/03/2024
Researcher: Gentiel Acar
Academic supervisor: Marijke Steeman