Ghent University
A pre-Research Day gathering for PhD students of the faculties of life sciences to meet the honorary doctorate Prof Marina von Keyserlingk.
Ghent University
A discussion of problems related to symmetry in mathematical programs and ways to deal with them by dr. Jasper van Doornmalen.
Ghent University
Description of strategies that use both renewable and petroleum-derived feedstocks to create tailor-made advanced functional polymeric materials.
Ghent University
The Meet the PhD Jury event will feature two international jury members and provide an opportunity for PhD researchers interested in cancer research.
Ghent University
By Dr. Assylzat Karabayeva and Dr. Ikboljon Qoraboyev
Ghent University
From March to October 2025, Professor Coulie will be a visiting professor at our faculty. This lecture is the inaugural class of the Collen-Francqui Chair.
Ghent University
Join us for a session with a top expert in football talent identification (TID). This event offers new insights and a chance to expand your network!
Ghent University
This lecture dives into the question who is the most credible source of personal medical information through the concept of epistemic injustice.
Ghent University
This lecture will explore the role of resistance to European medical procedures in colonial Indonesia.
Ghent University
Masterclass: Investigating Individual Differences in Multilingualism and Foreign Language Learning.