Professor Dave Goulson

Professor Dave Goulson, of the University of Sussex, is an extraordinary man and researcher specializing in ecology and insect conservation. As a scientist, he has become a world leader who is very concerned with popularizing research and passing it on to society.

Save a bee today, save the world tomorrow

"Yes, when you talk to Dave or hear him speak, you immediately notice his passion for insects and the health of our society. In particular for the biodiversity of our environment. And he has already inspired many people, young and old, all over the world."

Sustainability and biodiversity are two of Professor Dave Goulson's key words, which also fit in perfectly with Ghent University’s ambitions.

Professor Guy Smagghe, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, is the promotor of this honorary doctorate.

Laudatio for Professor Dave Goulson at the bee hotel in the Bourgoyen-Ossemeersen. This bee hotel was built in 2010 by the City of Ghent as a result of the "Year of the Bee". It consists of a series of modules of wooden boxes containing twigs, branches and wood blocks with all kinds of deep holes drilled in them for bees to lay their eggs.

The man who wants to save the bumblebee (and inspires us to do the same)

For many years, bumblebee doctor Dave Goulson has been working to save the bumblebee from extinction. Pioneering work, which earned him an honorary doctorate from Ghent University and the praise of his promotor, Professor Guy Smagghe: “The interest in bees and bumblebees has grown internationally and that is partly thanks to him.”

Professor Dave Goulson

Honorary doctor Dave Goulson:

"Bumblebees are responsible for the pollination of flowers, on which many of the crops we eat depend. The decline in their population therefore also has a major economic impact."

Read the interview

Words of thanks