Energy campaign

The energy measures, which were introduced following the very high prices in 2021, largely remain. After all, prices are still double what they were a few years ago, and the climate crisis necessitates an acceleration of our energy policy.

A number of emergency measures to minimize the impact of energy prices are being implemented this winter. There are also certain actions you can do yourself or situations you can keep an eye on.

What does Ghent University do?

Heating and hot water

  • Central heating systems are set at a lower temperature.
  • You are not allowed to bring your own heating appliances to your workplace. Besides the additional electrical consumption, there are real risks of fire, short circuits, etc.
  • Heating is turned off at 16:00 in mainly office buildings / zones. The buildings will remain warm enough for some time. 
  • Heating is turned off at 18:00 or 19:00 in buildings with a lot of class rooms. 
  • During evening hours, booking classrooms is limited to well-insulated buildings. This way we avoid heating certain buildings for only one evening activity.
  • During the autumn, Christmas, crocus and Easter breaks, a limited number of buildings are heated. These are accessible to everyone who comes to work on campus. Class activities are of course taken into account.
  • The showers of the sports facilities in HILO provide only cold water; at the GUSB the water will be lukewarm.


  • Air conditioners are used for academic purposes only. When activated, cooling is set to a minimum of 27°C.  
  • Lights on campuses and parking lots are turned off between 22:00 and 7:00 whenever possible.
  • Mood lighting of monuments is extinguished between 19:00 and 6:00. 
  • Lighting on exterior facades will be turned off as much as possible. 
Do you see any potential savings yourself, such as unnecessary heating that you can't adjust yourself or a lab appliance that would be better turned off automatically? Send us your suggestions or remarks.

What can you do?

In classrooms and meeting rooms

  • Keep the windows closed in mechanically ventilated classrooms. You can recognize these by the instruction sheet at the desk. 
  • Ventilate classrooms that are not mechanically ventilated. Open a window when the CO2 meter reads 900 ppm but ventilate completely when the CO2 meter reads 1200 ppm.
  • Close all windows when leaving classrooms. Last winter, too many windows were left open at night and on weekends. 
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Turn off all equipment.

At your workplace

  • Use the thermostatic valve smartly: a setting of 3 is sufficient. When you ventilate the room and open the windows, turn off the radiator valves.
  • Close windows and doors in cold periods.
  • Turn off the lights when absent.
  • Share the dishwasher, refrigerator, coffee maker, copier and scanner, etc.
  • Use sensibilisation tools.
  • Become an energy ambassador and watch over the sensible use of energy in your workplace, report situations of energy waste and suggestions at

In laboratories 

  • Close fume hoods after use.
  • Turn off equipment after use.
  • Set your ultrafreezer to -70°C instead of -80°C. Follow guidelines when using an ultrafreezer.
  • Report defects or (expected) excessive consumption to
  • Use sensibilisation tools. 
  • Become an energy ambassador and watch over sensible use of energy in your workplace, report situations of energy waste and suggestions at .

In student homes 

  • Use the thermostatic valve smartly: a setting 3 is sufficient. When you ventilate the room and open the windows, turn off the radiator valves.
  • Close windows and doors in cold periods.
  • Turn off the lights when absent.
  • Use sensibilisation tools. 
  • Become an energy ambassador and watch over sensible use of energy in your workplace, report situations of energy waste and suggestions at .

Ghent University energy policy

Ghent University wants to reduce CO2 emissions and energy consumption and build and renovate without fossil fuels. This means working on more space and energy efficiency and switching to green energy.

Wondering what results we are achieving and what measures are planned in the coming years? Read more in the energy policy plan 2020-2030 and the follow-up report: 2021.