Search for Early Biomarkers Predicting Kidney Damage and Therapy Response in Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma

Group Sylvie Rottey


Project 2

Search for Early Biomarkers Predicting Kidney Damage and Therapy Response in Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma


It has been published that tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), frequently used for renal cell carcinoma therapy, can result in various forms of kidney damage (glomerular or tubular). The goal of this project is therefore to assess blood and urine biochemistry in order to find early biomarkers which could enable to predict which patient could be more vulnerable for TKI induced renal damage. In this matter, we focus on the haptoglobin phenotype as it has been reported that the severity of renal damage in preeclampsia females is depended on the haptoglobin phenotype. Next to TKI induced renal damage, we also evaluate the effect of immunotherapy. Finally, as patients' immune-regulatory properties also change according the haptoglobin phenotype, it could therefore be hypothesized that patients with strong immune-regulatory properties will exhibit a prolonged survival. We are therefore evaluating the prognostic value of haptoglobin phenotype for disease-free survival, progression-free survival and overall survival.

Funding Ageny

Restricted grant Bayer (2012-2016)
Speerpunt Oncologie – UZ Gent


Sylvie Rottey; MD, PhD (Medical Oncology – Ghent University Hospital)
Nicolaas Lumen; MD, PhD (Urology – Ghent University Hospital)
Joris Delanghe; MD, PhD (Lab Clinical Chemistry – Ghent University Hospital)
Tijl Vermassen; PhD (Medical Oncology – Ghent University Hospital)