Booking a Library Lab

None of the rooms within the library can be reserved through Centauro. You should always contact the library directly to make a reservation.

Library Labs

  • Loveling: 30 chairs with 12 movable tables (mobile setup), beamer with ClickShare, whiteboard. Suitable for meetings, workshops and as instruction room.
  • Magnel: 36 chairs with folding tables, 2 television screens, whiteboard. Possibility of adding up to 10 additional chairs. Suitable for lectures and workshops.


The following activities can take place in these rooms:

  • Instruction sessions organised by the library (get priority). This means that - especially at busy times (Oct-Nov, Feb) - we will sometimes have to refuse activities because instruction sessions are scheduled at that time.
  • Research support for research groups in Arts and Philosophy: lectures and workshops, roundtable discussions.
  • Library-related meetings (in exceptional cases only): internal meetings, Faculty Library Committee, University Library working groups etc.)

Reservations (teachers & researchers only)

Please contact the Research & Development team: and or call +32 9 331 33 88 to book a library lab.


For use outside opening hours, 100€/starting hour will be charged (-50% for FLW). This is arranged via internal transfer.

Library Lab Magnel
Library Lab Magnel
Library Lab Loveling