Fedict - How to get ICT embedded in everyone's life? Beyond the digital divide


In the year 2007, it appears that the information society is a fact and that ICT is omnipresent and self-evident for everyone. The computer has found its way into the living room, the internet will soon be mobile and accessible via various devices. However, despite the increasing number of internet connections, it is apparent that a large group of Belgians still does not have access to a computer or the internet or they have such access but make little or no use of it.

Logo FedictFedict (the Federal Government Service for Information and Communication Technology) concentrates its activities on both the computerisation of government (e-government) and of society (e-society). As regards the latter aspect, many projects have been developed in the past such as Internet for Everyone and PeeceeFobie (PC Phobia). Fedict has now called in the MICT research group to collect additional scientific insights into how ICT can gain further and deeper entry into the everyday lives of citizens.

Duration of the project

The project runs from 01/09/2007 - 30/06/2008.

Staff involved

  • Prof. dr. Pieter Verdegem
  • dr. Laurence Hauttekeete
  • Prof. Eric Van Heesvelde


  • Media Use & Experience
  • Profiling & Targeting

Financed by

  • Federal government