DIA - Digital archiving: to an information management plan and consensus model


In today's information society, the quantity of documents (both digital and paper) is increasing. An efficient information management system, with clear guidelines regarding selection mechanisms, metadata, intellectual property rights, and so on…, is necessary.

This project includes a case study on the development of an information management plan for the Department Environment, Nature and Health and for the Department Spatial Planning, Mobility and Public Domain of the city of Ghent.

An information management plan is mapping the document creation and processes in the departments, in consensus with all relevant services. Flexibility is important in this regard given an extrapolation to other departments, regarding similar processes such as human resources, finance, accommodation management, decision-making ... The consensus model will therefore form the basis to create an information management plan (see information management plan Flemish Community).

Duration of the project

The project runs from 19/05/2010 - 31/03/2011.

Staff involved

  • dr. Laurence Hauttekeete
  • Tom Evens
  • Prof. dr. Pieter Verdegem
  • Nicolas Rombaut


Media Production & Distribution

Financed by

Contract research