VLOCA - Flemish Open City Architecture

Smart city
Open data
Co-creation processes
e-governance in the data era


By working creatively with local authorities, businesses and other stakeholders VLOCA wants to arrive at a widely supported reference framework for projects in smart cities, municipalities and Flanders. This framework includes agreements, guidelines and technical specifications on the exchange of data between the various IT systems. This shared vision of an open digital architecture must lead to more efficient digital solutions for (local) administrations and foster the further transition of Flanders as a smart region. Vloca is an initiative of the Flemish Agency for the Interior.

We at imec-mict-UGent are helping in the blueprint of of the architecture, the design and facilitation of co-creation sessions and the envisaging of the governance.


Partners: Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur, vito, imec-EDIT, imec-smit-VUB

Duration: 01/01/2020-31/12/2021