Library for the future


During the preparation of the Krook, the City Library Ghent (CLG) wants to explore which strategy they should use for the organization and functioning of a youth library. To shape the youth department in the Krook, it is important to involve youngsters in this research.

It is also significant to know what the goals and aspirations are for the CLG. This motive can explain why this inquiry tries to generate an optimal interaction between youth and library to create an ideal strategy for the future. This Living Lab research should clarify the different potential target groups in Ghent and their expectations of a modern library in the Krook.

Innovation Goal

This Living Lab research tries to answer the following questions:

  • What are the most interesting youth target groups for a modern library?
  • What are the needs and user contexts for every specific segment of the youth library?
  • What are the most interesting scenarios and ideas for a youth library?
  • How about the adoption potential for every specific segment of the youth library?

The objective of MICT is to draft an environmental scan, supplemented by international expert interviews. Then a short online intake survey will be organized as a pre-measurement and recruitment tool for the creative co-creations. Based on the data of the quantitative survey, a core-panel of potential end-users will be composed based on their specific ‘Lead Userness’.

In this project, three co-creation sessions are planned. We do a field trial and focus on the scenarios resulting from a previous evaluation. To include the opinion of experts in this analysis, there will be an expert validation exercise. The results of previous research steps will be translated in a final survey, which will be spread among 250 youngsters.

Duration of the project

The project runs from 01/06/2013 - 31/05/2014.

Staff involved

  • Dimitri Schuurman
  • Sara Logghe

Financed by

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