NeoScores - Play app for scores


NeoScores (founded by three musicians of the Brussels Philharmonic) started living lab research with iMinds-iLab.o by means of an SME service portfolio (KMO dienstenportefeuille) from Enterprise Flanders (Agentschap Ondernemen). In an iterative way through the living lab methodology their web-app is tested.

NeoScores is an application for digital music scores which at the moment runs in bèta and already has more than 800 international users. NeoScores wants to make further progress in the shape of potential use cases for the online platform together with end users. End users are the different kinds of musicians profiles (orchestra, band, lecturer,…). By involving these target groups in an early stage of the design process, it allows the innovation to shape real needs, habits, attitudes and contextual factors from the beginning.

Innovation Goal

This Living Lab research tries to answer the following questions:

  • What is the market for neoScores?
  • How is the application used by different musicians profiles?
  • Which features are missing and on which features should neoScores focus?

By means of an environmental scanning of the market and a competitor analysis, MICT wants to indicate similar models, applications and systems. Based on the data of a survey of +/- 800 existing users, a core-panel will be composed according to their specific ‘Lead Userness’. With a heterogeneous selection from the core-panel a co-creation session will be held. The focus will be the current habits and practices about the neoScores application.

In association with neoScores and based on previous research steps, relevant profiles of people who do not know neoScores will be identified on account of the field trial. A list of relevant stakeholders for neoScores (e.g. publishers, bandleaders,…) will be drafted. These representatives will be invited for an interactive workshop lead by an iMinds expert, whereby de possible business models will be drafted and validated.

Duration of the project

The project runs from 01/07/2013 - 31/03/2014.

Staff involved

  • Dimitri Schuurman
  • Sara Logghe

Financed by