Legal and regulatory vulnerability of the football sector to match-fixing, money laundering and human trafficking in the context of football transfers

Vandercruysse, Louis
Faculteit Recht en Criminologie
Vakgroep Criminologie, Strafrecht en Sociaal Recht
Academische graad
Doctor in de rechten
Taal proefschrift
Prof, Tom Vander Beken, RE23 - Prof, An Vermeersch, RE23 - Prof, Annick Willem, GE30
Prof, Michel Tison, RE21 - Prof, Vanja Smokvina, University of Rijeka, Croatia - Prof, Frank Hendrickx, KU Leuven - Prof, Wim Hardyns, RE23 - Prof, Wendy De Bondt, RE23

Korte beschrijving

The football sector is frequently linked to criminal and irregular activities, namely match-fixing, money laundering, and human trafficking in the context of football transfers. Despite the recognition of these threats, there is a pressing need for (legal) preventative research. This research addresses that gap by providing insights into the prevention of the above-mentioned criminal and irregular activities related to football transfers through a legal vulnerability analysis. By (i) identifying causal risk indicators for each of the aforementioned activities and (ii) linking them to applicable government legislation and football regulations, the dissertation highlights vulnerabilities in the legal framework that may inadvertently facilitate the aforementioned criminal and irregular activities. These vulnerabilities are found at both the governmental level and within the frameworks of football governing bodies. Based on its findings, the research provides preliminary policy recommendations to strengthen preventive measures.


Woensdag 5 februari 2025, 15:00
Campus Aula, Auditorium F, Universiteitsstraat 4, 9000 Gent
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