Filmvoorstelling 'The Death of Us'

Voor wie
Medewerkers , Studenten
03-02-2025 van 11:00 tot 13:00
Campus Boekentoren, Room 5.50, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Ghent
Door wie
Department of Languages and Cultures - Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

Film screening and discussion with the filmmaker on the history and politics of the death penalty in contemporary India.

A quiet contemplation on a range of cases in which the death penalty was pronounced, ending in execution, commutation to life sentence, acquittal or even pardon. Speaking to those who have been on death row or those very closely involved with the cases, we engage in complex conversations on crime and punishment, revenge and justice, popular rhetoric and personal experiences. ​

Direction: Vani Subramanian

78 mins | English, Hindi, Telugu | English Subtitles | 2018 DOCUMENTARY

Vani Subramanian has been a women's rights activist and documentary filmmaker since the nineties. Her work as a filmmaker explores the connections between our everyday practices, perceptions and prejudices, and the larger political questions confronting us – be they in the areas of culture, food practices and production, education, sectarian intolerance, sex selective abortions, or questions relating to justice and the death penalty.