30-01-2025 |
Anna Nylund, Holder of the Marcel Storme Chair 2024-25
23-01-2025 |
Three Ghent University researchers win ERC Proof of Concept Grants
20-12-2024 |
Members of UGent Centre for Administrative Law appointed as public law experts in the new Flemish "Commissie Vergunningen"
11-12-2024 |
Unaccompanied minors design a courtroom that prioritises children's rights during asylum procedures
03-12-2024 |
Europe again supports Ghent University researchers for innovative research into greater justice and digital empowerment
26-09-2024 |
New book: Family Reunification in Europe
11-09-2024 |
Migrlaw welcomes Thomas Spijkerboer
17-06-2024 |
New journal opens opportunities for researchers in law and criminology
29-04-2024 |
Top CEO Marianne De Backer is Ghent University Alumnus of the Year 2024
28-03-2024 |
Online Workshop: Safe Spaces in Gender Sensitive Interviews
22-03-2024 |
Dies Natalis 2024: Closing speech rector Rik Van de Walle
27-02-2024 |
Joe Cannataci is awarded the Amnesty International Chair 2024