Classification books

Classification system for books

The entire faculty library collection has been registered in the catalogue. Most of the books are stored on the shelves in the faculty library and are identified by the term RBIB in the catalogue.

Books on European law (R17) are displayed in the Domed Room of the faculty library. Journals on European law can be found in a separate reading room on the ground floor. Most of these journals are available digitally. Journals that are not available digitally can be requested via the request button. 

In the faculty library (RBIB) books are arranged by discipline in open stacks in several reading rooms.

The disciplines are: arbitration and mediation (A&B), law in general (ALG), civil law (BUR), criminology (CRIM), European law (EUR), financial law (FIN), tax law (FIS), commercial law (HAN), human rights (HR), international public law (INT), international private law (IPR), law & economics (L&E), medical law (MED), methodology (MET), meta law (META), migration law (MIGR), environmental law (MIL),  minima juridica (MINI), notarial law (NOT), corporate law (OND), prodecural law (PRO), public law (PUB), legal history (RGE), comparative law (RVG), roman law (ROM), social law (SOC), criminal law (STR), technology and privacy (T/P), transport law (TRA), insurance law (VER), and teacher education (SLO).

Within each discipline you will find different subject matter sections indicated by a particular numerical code.

Within each subject matter section books are arranged based on their link with a geographical location.  

Within each subject matter subsection publications are ordered chronologically based on their moment of purchase. This means that the most recently acquired books on a certain topic are placed towards the back of the section.

In this way each book has a unique code indicating its location in the library.

For instance: RBIB.BUR 133 BE 55

  • RBIB: housed in the faculty library
  • BUR: section civil law
  • 133: subject matter ‘cohabitation’
  • BE: Belgian law
  • 55: book number 55

Notes on different notations

Notations in which RBIB is immediately followed by the letter K or the word ARCHIEF refer to older publications that have been stored in the archive. You can request these items by clicking the ‘request’ button in the catalogue and then filling out your data. You will receive an email as soon as the requested item is available at the library information and loan desk of Room Koepelzaal / Domed Room.

Notations followed by the word ‘(balie)’ indicate books stored in closed shelving in the library. These books cannot be borrowed but can be consulted in the library upon submitting your Ghent University identification card. Please ask at the information and loan desk (Domed Room).