Jinske Verhellen

Jinske Verhellen is professor Private International Law and head of the Institute for International Private law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology, Ghent University. Jinske is member of the Ghent University Interfaculty Research Group CESSMIR (Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees) and of the Ghent University Human Rights Research Network.

Short Bio

Jinske Verhellen

Jinske Verhellen studied law (1994, Ghent University) and anthropology (1995, KULeuven).

She started working as an academic assistant at the Ghent University Institute of Private International Law (1996-2000).

In 1998 she started to practice as a lawyer and specialized in international family law and migration law.

In 2006 Jinske had the unique opportunity to help develop the Private International Law Centre in Brussels, which gives advice and does policy work in the field of private international law in family matters.

In January 2009, she returned to the Ghent University and obtained in 2012 her doctoral degree on The Belgian Code of Private International Law in family matters (financed by the Research Foundation - Flanders).

Jinske is Chair of the Faculty Committee Diversity, member of the University Working Group Diversity and Inclusion and member of the interfaculty Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR).