Satellite garden

The Belgian Hydrangea Society — Hydrangeum vzw — manages a collection of about 600 botanische species and cultivars of the genus Hydrangea. The society endeavours to enhance horticultural and botanical knowledge of these plants.

The satellite garden supports the Botanical Garden by growing hydrangeas from seed. This is done in full respect of ‘Access and Benefit Sharing’ rules. Once plants reach maturity, a number of specimens are returned to the Botanical Garden. Other specimens are kept in the society’s own collection. That collection is available for fundamental and applied research.

 Some 155 different specimens of the collection are planted in a 1 000 m² demonstration garden. Visitors are welcome with questions on growing, nurturing and availability of hydrangeas. Whereas open days at the demonstration garden are limited to 4 Sundays in summer, individual visits and guided tours can be arranged throughout the flowering season.

Hydrangeum vzw, Veldekensstraat 40, 9070 Destelbergen, Belgium
Tel. & fax: +32-(0)9-355 71 83  —  E-mail: