- A practical guide to performing multiple-point statistical simulations with the Direct Sampling algorithm.pdf
- An interdisciplinary non-invasive approach to landscape archaeology of the Great War.pdf
- Application of the topographic position index to heterogeneous landscapes.pdf
- Beyond the unknown understanding prehistoric patterns in the urbanised landscape of Flanders.pdf
- Exploring the potential of multi-receiver EMI survey for geoarchaeological prospection, a 90 ha dataset.pdf
- Identifying soil patterns at different spatial scales with a multi-receiver EMI sensor.pdf
- Key variables for the identification of soil management classes in the aeolian landscapes of north west Europe.pdf
- Mapping complex soil patterns with multiple-point geostatistics.pdf
- Reconstructing phreatic palaeogroundwater levels in a geoarchaeological context, a case study in Flanders, Belgium.pdf
- Spatio-temporal modeling of soil characteristics for soilscape reconstruction.pdf
- Towards a three-dimensional cost-effective registration of the archaeological heritage.pdf