Facilities provided by the department

Biopac MP150

The Laboratory of Experimental Psychology has a Biopac MP150 data acquisition platform for collecting physiological data. Our system can interface with the following available amplifier modules:

  • UIM 100C: For connecting the MP150 to the amplifier modules.
  • STP100C: For receiving digital inputs (‘event markers’) from the experiment software. The experiment computer can be connected with this amplifier via our USB serial to LPT convertor.
  • ECG2-R: For measuring Electrocardiogram (ECG; heart's electrical activity) data.
  • 2 x EMG100C: For measuring Electromyography (EMG; muscle and nerve response activity) data.
  • GSR100C: For measuring the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR; skin conductance).
  • NICO-R: For measuring Impedance Cardiography (ICG; cardiac output) data.

There is a multiple purpose laptop available with an AcqKnowledge license. AcqKnowledge is software that lets you view, measure, transform, and analyze the data. Important: The Biopac system and the multiple purpose laptop need to be reserved individually via the lab organizer. The laptop can be found under the tab ‘Laptops’ and is called ‘Neurolaptop’.

For receiving the Biopac system/supplies/assistance, contact Vincent Hoofs.

Cedrus usb boxes

The department has 15 RB-730 responsboxes from Cedrus that are "tuned" with 4 more time accurate push buttons.

Cedrus boxes use a usb to serial port, the desktops are configured to recognize cedrus boxes on COM4.

Settings for the dip switches on the boxes must be set manually and are different depending on the experimental software you use:
Eprime: 1 up; Presentation: all down; Tscope: all down; Python: all down


Head/micro phones

The department has 5 over ear, noise-cancelling head phones

and 1 usb microphone (SE Electronics USB1000a) with tripod



Room 090.022 - 6 pc

This room has 10 cubicles where subjects can be tested. It has 6 desktops with monitor, US keyboard, mouse, parallel port LPT3

Hardware specifications: Dell Optiplex 3020 mini-tower; Intel Core i5-4570; 8 GB RAM; Benq XL2411Z LED monitor: 1920 x 1080; up to 144Hz; 2 ms RT

Software specifications: Windows 10 64 bit; Presentation 21.1; Open Sesame 3.2.8; PsychoPy 2024.2.4;  Matlab R2018b; Psychtoolbox3.0.18; Anaconda 2019.10 Python 3.7 version; Tscope 5-0.6; Arduino 1.8.10; Microsoft Office 2016

Always check the refresh rate of the monitor before you start testing: Right click the desktop - NVIDIA control panel - change resolution.

Room 090.024 - 5 pc

This room has 5 desktops with monitor, US keyboard, mouse, parallel port LPT3

Hardware specifications: Dell Optiplex 3020 mini-tower; Intel Core i5-4570; 8 GB RAM; Benq XL2411Z LED monitor: 1920 x 1080; up to 144Hz; 2 ms RT

Software specifications: Windows 10 64 bit; Presentation 21.1; Open Sesame 3.2.8; PsychoPy 2024.2.4;  Matlab R2018b; Psychtoolbox3.0.18; Arduino 1.8.10; Microsoft Office 2016

Always check the refresh rate of the monitor before you start testing: Right click the desktop - NVIDIA control panel - change resolution.

Room 090.021 - Eyelink+

The EyeLink 1000 plus system is an advanced eye-tracking system, based on the non-invasive acquisition of eye movements using video technology. Its capability includes:

  • Extremely high spatial resolution measurements.
  • High sampling rates (up to 2000 Hz monocular or 1000 Hz binocularly).
  • Head free setup possible .
  • Supports programs written in MATLAB R2021b, PsychoPy3 2022.1.1, Open Sesame 4.0.24 and SR Research Experiment Builder 2.4.193.
  • Network link (Ethernet) connects eye-tracking computer to experiment's subject-display computer. Support for real-time data transfer and protocol.
  • On-line analysis of eye movement data into saccades, fixations and blinks. Data is automatically stored into a data file for flexible post-acquisition and analysis.

This video-based technology provides measurements for horizontal and vertical eye positions and pupil size.

Contact person: Esperanza Badaya.

Everything you need to know about using PsychoPy in combination with the Eyelink can be found on the PP02 Sharepoint  page (for internal researchers only)

Room 120.075 - Eyelink+

The EyeLink 1000 plus system is an advanced eye-tracking system, based on the non-invasive acquisition of eye movements using video technology. Its capability includes:

  • Extremely high spatial resolution measurements.
  • High sampling rates (up to 2000 Hz monocular or 1000 Hz binocularly).
  • Head free setup possible .
  • Supports programs written in MATLAB, Open Sesame 4.0.24, PsychoPy 2024.2.1 and SR Research Experiment Builder 2.5.1.
  • Network link (Ethernet) connects eye-tracking computer to experiment's subject-display computer. Support for real-time data transfer and protocol.
  • On-line analysis of eye movement data into saccades, fixations and blinks. Data is automatically stored into a data file for flexible post-acquisition and analysis.

This video-based technology provides measurements for horizontal and vertical eye positions and pupil size.

Contact person: Esperanza Badaya.

Everything you need to know about using PsychoPy in combination with the Eyelink can be found on the PP02 Sharepoint  page (for internal researchers only)

Room 090.018 - EEG/eyetracking (skin conductance) (BioSemi ActiveTwo + Eyelink1000plus)

EEG is measured with a Biosemi and eyetracking is done with an Eyelink 1000 plus set-up. The set-up is with 64 EEG channels according to a standard 10-20 electrode placement. The system can handle additional input from a photosensor.  Before running your first experiment with this set-up, please contact Vincent Hoofs.

Contact person: Vincent Hoofs

Hardware specifications of the stimulus pc: Dell Optiplex 7000 mini-tower; Intel Core i5-12500; 16 GB RAM; Benq XL2411Z LED monitor: 1920 x 1080; up to 144Hz; 2 ms RT

Always check the refresh rate of the monitor before you start testing: Right click the desktop - NVIDIA control panel - change resolution.

Software specifications of the stimulus pc: Windows 10 64 bit; Open Sesame; Matlab R2023b with Psychtoolbox and biosig toolbox; PsychoPy 2022.1.4; Anaconda 2023.09 Python 3.11 version; Microsoft Office 365; Arduino IDE 2.3.2; Git 2.45.1

Everything you need to know about performing an EEG study at the department can be found on the PP02 Sharepoint page (for internal researchers only)

Faraday cage 2 - EEG/eyetracking (skin conductance) (Biosemi ActiveTwo + Eyelink1000plus)

EEG is measured with a Biosemi and eyetracking is done with an Eyelink 1000 plus set-up. The standard set-up is with 64 EEG channels according to a standard 10-20 electrode placement (if preferred, it is also possible to run with 128 EEG channels). Before running your first experiment with this set-up, please contact Vincent Hoofs.

Hardware specifications of the stimulus pc: Dell Optiplex 7020 Tower; Intel Core i5 14500 vPro; 32 GB RAM; Dell G2524H monitor: 1920 x 1080; up to 240Hz; 1 ms RT

Always check the refresh rate of the monitor before you start testing: Right click the desktop - display settings - change resolution.

Software specifications of the stimulus pc: Windows 11 64 bit; Open Sesame 4.0.24; Arduino 2.3.2; PsychoPy 2024.2.3; Matlab R2024b

Contact person: Vincent Hoofs

This is a faculty lab room! It needs a double booking: one via "Reservatiebeheer FFPW" and one on our laborganizer

Everything you need to know about performing an EEG study at the department can be found on the PP02 Sharepoint page (for internal researchers only)

Rooms and - TMS/Eyelink 1000+

 The lab comprises a TMS system, an eyetracking system and a stimulus computer. Access and booking occurs via contact person.

 TMS system

 Eyetracking system

  • Eyelink 1000+ (https://www.sr-research.com/eyelink-1000-plus/), with computer for signal recording
  •  Stimulus computer (for stimulus display):
    • Hardware: Dell Optiplex 7070, Intel Core i5-9600, 8GB RAM; Benq ZOWIE XL LCD display, 1920x1080 resolution, up to 144 Hz refresh rate
    • Software: Windows 10 Home; PsychoPy 2022.1.1

contact person : Nicoleta Prutean

Broca room - TMS and tES

This is a GIfMI lab room, located at the UZ (building 55) and doesn't directly belong to the department. It needs a booking via the GIfMI site: http://gifmi.ugent.be/

There are two setups in the room: TMS (magnetic stimulator) and tES (electric stimulator for tDCS or tACS).

Hardware specifications for TMS: The TMS machine consists of one Magstim Rapid2 stimulator unit (https://www.magstim.com/row-en/product/rapid-family/) and a couple of alpha flat coils between 40-70mm. There is also a support stand available. TMS caps are to be ordered again (1 M size available). 

Software specifications for TMS: The recording computer uses Windows 7. BioSemi ActiView605 is installed to record Electromyography (EMG).

Hardware/software specifications for tES: none, apart from the neuroConn stimulator DC-plus there is no hardware provided (bring your own experiment laptop)

Contact person: Eleonore Smalle


Same as the UGent, the department implements a "Bring Your Own Device" policy: master students use their own laptops for testing as much as possible.


Hardware specifications: Dell Latitude 5420; Intel Core i5-1135G7; 8 GB RAM; 14 inch display 1920 x 1080; 60Hz; US International keyboard

Software specifications: Windows 11 64bit; PsychoPy 2023.2.2


Hardware specifications: Dell Latitude 5420; Intel Core i5-1135G7; 8 GB RAM; 14 inch display 1920 x 1080; 60Hz; US International keyboard

Software specifications: Windows 11 64bit; PsychoPy 2023.2.2


Hardware specifications: Dell Latitude 5420; Intel Core i5-1135G7; 8 GB RAM; 14 inch display 1920 x 1080; 60Hz; US International keyboard

Software specifications: Windows 11 64bit; PsychoPy 2023.2.2


Hardware specifications: Dell Latitude 5420; Intel Core i5-1135G7; 8 GB RAM; 14 inch display 1920 x 1080; 60Hz; US International keyboard

Software specifications: Windows 11 64bit; PsychoPy 2023.2.2


Hardware specifications: Dell Latitude 5420; Intel Core i5-1135G7; 8 GB RAM; 14 inch display 1920 x 1080; 60Hz; US International keyboard

Software specifications: Windows 11 64bit; PsychoPy 2023.2.2


Hardware specifications: Dell Latitude E5530; Intel Core i3-3120M; 4 GB RAM; 15.6 inch monitor: 1920 x 1080; 60Hz; US International keyboard

Software specifications: Windows 10 64 bit; Arduino 2.3.2; PsychoPy 2024.2.3; OpenSesame 4.0.24


Hardware specifications: Dell Latitude E5550; Intel Core i5-5300U; 8 GB RAM; 15.6 inch monitor: 1920 x 1080; 60Hz; US International keyboard

Software specifications: Windows 10 64 bit; Arduino 1.8.13; PsychoPy 2024.1.1; OpenSesame 4.0.24


Hardware specifications: Dell Latitude E5550; Intel Core i5-5300U; 8 GB RAM; 15.6 inch monitor: 1920 x 1080; 60Hz; US International keyboard

Software specifications: Windows 10 64 bit; Arduino 1.8.13; PsychoPy 2024.1.1; OpenSesame 4.0.24


Hardware specifications: Dell Latitude E5550; Intel Core i5-5300U; 8 GB RAM; 15.6 inch monitor: 1920 x 1080; 60Hz; US International keyboard

Software specifications: Windows 10 64 bit; Arduino 1.8.13; PsychoPy 2024.1.1; OpenSesame 4.0.24


Laptop for data acquisition with the Biopac.


MP3 recorders

Roland R-1

24-bit WAVE/MP3 Recorder.

Roland R-09HR

High-Resolution 24 -bit WAVE/MP3 Recorder; more info on the Roland website.


MRI Simulator

The department provides a MRI Simulation Software license (https://www.iacionline.com/). The reading materials and software are installed on the ‘NeuroLaptop’, which can be reserved via the lab organizer. Please contact Vincent Hoofs if you need assistance.

The department also has a MRI pulse simulator to simulate the synchronization between your experimental script and the MR scanner at UZ Gent. Please contact Vincent Hoofs to receive this device and/or assistance.


Elo Touch 1515

15 inch touch screen; serial port; more specifications and Elotouch software on the Elotouch website.

Reaction time specifications with eprime 2 by Pascal Mestdagh:

  • The Elo touch reacts correctly and generates a mouse click when touching the screen. The measured response time is about 25 to 30 ms longer than the registered response time by eprime
  • According to the manufacturer the maximum delay is about 12 ms on behalf of the touchscreen. Extra delay is due to the driver and Windows processing.
  • To make the Elo touchscreen function correctly as a mouse a specific mode of the driver installation was used: the parameter "Forcemouse=1" has to be set in the ini file.


Elo Touch 1525

15 inch touch screen; usb; more specifications and Elotouch software on the Elotouch website.



The department has custom made voice keys: parallel and usb port; fixed delay 200 ms; with headset.

If you want to use a voicekey in combination with eprime, you need a cedrusbox as intermediate.



The department has 4 license keys for Experiment Builder software; license keys are needed for running experiments on the Eyelink or developing experiments in Experiment Builder.


Cambio card

The University has a contract with Cambio Car Sharing.




NEC V260X 2600-lumen high-brightness mobile projector

conference cam

Logitech MeetUp Conference Cam