Floor Gabriëls

Floor GabriëlsFloor Gabriëls graduated from Artevelde University College Ghent in 2017 as a pedagogical coach with a specialization in preventive family support, after which she decided to continue studying at Ghent University. There she obtained her master’s degree in Clinical Special Needs Education and Disability Studies in 2020. As part of her master's thesis under the supervision of Prof. dr. Sarah De Pauw, Floor conducted a qualitative study into the experiences and support needs of mothers with cancer and their young children.
She also did a six-month internship at vzw Stappen, an organization within special youth care that offers residential care and counseling for adolescent girls. After obtaining her degree, Floor started working as a context counselor in the same facility. There, she further developed her interest in working with young people at the intersection of youth care and justice.