Mieke works since 2015 at the Department of Special Needs Education as project manager for the Huoshen Foundation. This Foundation aims to become a platform for research-, information- and experience-exchange of everything related to psychophysical activities for young people and their facilitators (trainers, teachers, youth workers, educators, parents etc.). Central for the Foundation are body-oriented practices with a built-in reflection component, in which the body serves as a gateway to more body, emotional and self-awareness, and ultimately more well-being and resilience. She is currently mapping the field, and working on a website. She also carries out research on this theme with colleagues of the Department.
In addition to her work on the Department, she also works as a teaching assistant at the Department of Oriental languages (graduated in 1998), where she also conducts anthropological research on Chinese health strategies and ' indigenous Chinese psychology', always approached from the perspectives of Chinese philosophy, cosmology and medicine. In addition, she obtained her professional bachelor degree ' social work ' (Ghent, 1994), and in that period built up experience in working with mentally and physically disabled people.
A complete list of publications and contact information can be found here.