Aylin Koçak


Aylin Koçak

Aylin earned her Master in I-O Psychology at UGhent in 2018. In 2022 she received her PhD in I-O Psychology at UGhent entitled: ‘Mind the ad: why qualified job seekers may (not) apply’, She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher on the FedDiverse project at VUB and UGhent. Her research focuses on stigmatizing information in recruitment and selection procedures and provides insight for scholars, HR-practitioners and policy-makers on a local and federal governmental level. While herPhD research focused on age and gender stereotypes in job advertisements, she is currently investigating ethnic diversity in selection and promotion procedures in the FedDiverse project. Stigmatizing information during recruitment, selection and promotion procedures can lead to a self-select out of diverse candidates, which is highly problematic given today’s tight labor market. Therefore, Aylin is impassioned by the diversity topic and how her research can help organizations optimize diversity HR-strategies. She higly values valorization of research findings in both a scientific and practical manner. She enjoys communicating and discussing research topics during academic (inter)national conferences on the one hand and translating research findings into policy  on the other hand. For instance, her PhD research involved projects within the Flemish government and she is currently working for the federal government in the FedDiverse project.

Research Keywords

gender diversity; age diversity; ethnic diversity; recruitment; selection; promotion; job advertisements

Research Projects

Targeted recruitment

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