Claudia Rooman


Claudia Romaan

After completing her PhD in Psychology (2019-2023), Claudia is currently employed as a postdoctoral researcher in the Vocational and Personnel Psychology Lab at Ghent University. Her research project is focused on reintegration after burnout, building further on the findings of her PhD research which was situated in this same topic. Next to scientific impact, she is invested in increasing the societal impact of her research. On that regard, the findings of her PhD research have led to the development of an accessible website with an e-tool called “Re-integratiebalans” which  can support employees resuming work after sick leave for burnout. Furthermore, she has also been involved in research side-projects, situated in the broader domain of employee well-being and/or diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

Research Keywords

Burnout; Return to work; Diversity; Policy

Research Projects

Burnout prevention

More information about Claudia