Admission degree students

Before starting the online application, it is important to be well-aware of the admission requirements you need to meet in order to enrol. Start by making a well-informed choice of study.

Structure of Higher Education in Flanders

This may be different from your country.

Schematic overview of Higher Education in Flanders

If you are interested in a Master, note that there are 3 types of masters: initial and advanced (subsequent) master programmes and educational master programmes(in Dutch). 

Choice of Study

It is important to make a well-motivated choice when selecting the programme of your interest.

Our Study Guide ( provides you with information about the programme, admission requirements but also gives you options for when you have graduated!

Academic Admission Requirements

Language requirements

In brief, all bachelor programmes are taught in Dutch (with the exception of the Bachelor of Social Sciences - application at Vrije Universiteit Brussel). English is the language of instruction in a number of Master programmes. The common language in the Doctoral Schools is English.

Basic Diploma

Admission is granted on the basis of a diploma, irrelevant of your nationality.

Most qualifications obtained abroad do not grant direct admission. This means that the diploma is not automatically recognised as equivalent to a Flemish diploma and that admission can be granted after an individual application procedure.

During the application procedure, we will assess the basic diploma and will check if you have acquired the same or equivalent competences as a student with a Flemish diploma with direct access. To check the admission requirements of the programme of your interest, please go to the Study Guide.

Please check the diploma requirement applicable to you, by selecting the type of programme you want to apply for:

Financial Means and Study Costs

Students who want to study at our university have to dispose of sufficient financial means to cover all expenses during the whole period of study.

Only  a limited number of scholarships is available, granted on a competitive basis. Make sure to follow the correct scholarship procedure.

Every academic year, you pay the tuition fee upon enrolment, to be able to participate in the educational activities and exams. You can check the current tuition fees at 

How to Apply?

  1. Check application deadlines
  2. Start up the online application 
  3. Legalise your documents

Behind the scenes

  • The International Admissions Desk will check the general, academic requirements and the authenticity of the provided documents, before sending the application file through to the faculty involved, for assessment of your application.
  • The faculty will go into more detail and determine whether the candidate's degree is sufficiently related to Flemish diploma's with direct access and will decide on whether or not to grant admission. 
  • On average, it takes around 3 months after the application was submitted to have a result.

Contact Team International Admissions 

For all contact information, such as address, opening hours and closing days, please go to the International Admissions Contact Page.