Master of Advanced Studies in European Law

The Master of Advanced Studies in European Law (LLM) is dedicated to the legal environment of the European Union.

That environment consists of EU-law as such, but also of international law and of member state law. Through a combination of these fields, the programme offers a unique in-depth study that encompasses relevant branches of contemporary law, within the context of the EU.

As far as member state law is concerned, emphasis is put on a comparative approach that fathoms for common characteristics and possible harmonisation.

The LLM-programme's mission is to provide each student the opportunity to pursue, in his or her field of preference, both introductory and advanced studies of the law in the European Union.

With an ever expanding and further integrating European Union, and in an ever more global legal environment, it offers an additional law degree that is instrumental for today's lawyers around the world.

The Ghent Law School is a European 'Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence' recognized for its expertise and resources in European Union Law.

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