Sets of personal data shared

Set A: Personal data shared in the context of enrolment at all partner institutions

name - first name - sex - national number - date of birth - place of birth - country of birth - nationality - e-mail home institution - correspondence address (private) - mobile number - training - course units and curriculum components - passport photo. 

Set B: Personal data shared in the context of the admission and selection procedure

title - skype id - proof of residence - motivation for the application for enrolment - motivated application for scholarships - curriculum vitae - letters of recommendation or contact data reference persons - language certificate - scan or copy of identity document - application form coordinating institution- copies of diploma documents and certificates concerning previous studies (with an eye to admission to the training c.quo PhD)- transcripts of records.

Set C: Personal data pertaining to the curriculum and study results

course units - transcript of records - assessment reports master's dissertation - proof of obtaining a diploma.

Set D: Personal data exchanged in the framework of student mobility through ERASMUS or bilateral agreements

European Student Identifier (as from 2023) - scheduled starting and end dates of the mobility - EQF-level of the study programme the student is enrolled in at the moment of application for the mobility - EQF-level of the mobility - field of study of the study linked to the exchange request - teaching language(s) exchange courses.

Set E: Personal Data required for ad hoc trouble solving on demand of the student

Exchange of information on residence and insurance documents in the context of problem-solving..