Blue Growth Research Lab

All information on the Blue Growth Information Lab can be found on the external site

Blue Growth Research Lab

Seas and oceans play a central role in our society. The Blue Growth Research Laboratory studies how we interact with the ocean and how it affects our health and wellbeing.

The lab is one of the first research groups of Ghent University at the Ostend Science Park. This unique location in a science park, but also close to other prominent research institutions such as the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and the Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO), enables us to communicate regularly with the industry, with policy makers and with citizens. This inspires us to apply our academic research to relevant social and economic problems.

The research laboratory for blue growth coordinates the multidisciplinary research facilities of Ghent University for marine and maritime research at Ostend Science Park. The research group is part of the research consortium Marine@UGent and the BLUeGhent IOF consortium for valorisation of research.