
The department research encompasses all aspects of data analysis and mathematical modelling that surround the world of bioeningeers. This entails fundamental research to develop new methods and insights as well as applied research for concrete applications. The applications are usually the result of a multidisciplinary approach bringing bio-engineers and mathematicians together. Application domains range from water purification and raw material recovery to pharmaceutical production processes to citizen science, ecological studies and the processing of large amounts of molecular biological data for medical and agricultural research. ​

Professors of the department bring together expertises that can be devided into three main streams that are presented below, together with the research groups that shape our department. For more information about a specific research group, follow the link.​


Willem Waegeman

Prof. dr. Willem Waegeman

Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence

Jan Verwaeren

Prof. dr. Jan Verwaeren

Computer Vision

Multimodal modelling

Stijn Luca

Prof. dr. Stijn Luca


Experimental design


Jan Baetens

Prof. dr. Jan Baetens

Cellular automata

Individual-based models​

Coupled-map lattices​

Paul Van Liedekerke

Prof. dr. Paul Van Liedekerke

Fuzzy sets

Data science

Ingmar Nopens

Prof. dr. Ingmar Nopens

Fuzzy sets

Data science


Tim De Meyer

Prof. dr. Tim De Meyer

Bioinformatics of disease

Computational transcriptomics and epigenomics

Structural bioinformatics and computational proteomics