The PreSco group organizes The Sixth Global Proximal Soil Sensing Workshop
The workshop is organized by PreSco group on behalf of the Working Group on Proximal Soil Sensing (WGPSS), established in 2008 under the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS). Since established the WGPSS group organised five Workshops to discuss technological advances in proximal soil sensing to complement laboratory methods of soil analyses. To overcome the bottlenecks of traditional data acquisition, soil inventory has evolved into the direction of proximal soil sensing. This is according to the paradigm "Measure more, less precise" or, in other words, bring the laboratory measurements into the field to increase the spatial and temporal coverage, but at the cost of measurement precision.
The Sixth Global Proximal Soil Sensing Workshop will continue the discussion from theoretical and practical perspectives, focussing on the applicability of the technology in natural resources management. The Workshop invites participants from academia and industry, working on topics including, but not limited to, soil and environmental sciences, agricultural engineering, archaeology, forensic investigations, sensor development, near surface geophysics, spectroscopy, agronomy, spatial statistics, and artificial intelligence.
The workshop will take place from October 14 to 17 in the Sint-Pietersabdij in Ghent. More information can be found on the website.