Eva Derous

Eva Derous

Department of Work, Organisation and Society , Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Phone: +32 9 264 91 39

Research themes: Discrimination, racism and prejudice || Work

Eva Derous earned her PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Leuven University. She worked at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and is currently employed as a full professor personnel psychology/HRM at the Vocational and Personnel Psychology Lab of the Department of Work, Organisation and Society at Ghent University. Her research focuses -among other topics- on recruitment and personnel selection procedures, with specific attention for diversity, inclusion and discrimination-related issues (ethnicity, age, and gender). She received a Fulbright research grant from the KNAW/Fulbright Center Amsterdam to stay at Michigan State University (USA), serves on editorial boards of several international journals, and has published in journals such as Personnel Psychology, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Human Resource Management Review. From an evidence-based perspective, she provides consultancy for companies and local business partners.

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