Jill Alpes

Jill Alpes is a legal anthropologist of migration. At Ughent, her research focuses on the work of international human rights lawyers in brokering evidence on pushbacks from European borders. Over the last ten years, Jill has worked at research institutes in the Netherlands, France, Denmark and Germany, as well as for and in collaboration with foundations and human rights organizations, such as Amnesty, Oxfam, DRC and Picum. Her book “Abroad at any cost: Brokering High-risk migration and illegality in West Africa” (Routledge) challenges narratives of smuggling and trafficking and considers the governance of migration from the perspective of individuals and families in a country of departure in West Africa (Cameroon). Jill’s interest in access barriers to asylum and post-return risks have brought her to carry out field research in Europe (France, Netherlands, Greece, Italy), rural and urban Africa (Cameroon, DRC, Mali, Nigeria, Niger) and the Middle East (Turkey, Lebanon).

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