Reimagining higher education: a decolonial journey at the University of Ghent

Description: This research aims at reconfiguring decolonization in higher education by means of re-imagining how to organize higher education in regards to accessibility and knowledge production. Flanders is characterized by growing diversity. Not only the number of persons with migration background is increasing, but the internal diversity of these groups is too. This ‘superdiversity’ of the population in Flanders is an important challenge for policymakers and the service-providing society (Noppe et al., 2018). We aim to understand what decolonization can mean within the context of the University of Ghent, whilst staying close to the perspectives and experiences of students with a migration background and mapping barriers to participation in higher education. Additionally working with the diversity sensitivity of teachers through monitoring learning networks and looking at role models and leadership in the context of promoting students with a migration background within the University of Ghent.
Promoter(s): Elisabeth De Schauwer
Researcher(s): Yasmine Kaied
Faculty / Faculties: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Period of time: 2022 - 2028