Research focus SYSTeMS Campus Kortrijk
The focus of the research group SYSTeMS Campus Kortrijk is the control, design, optimization and condition monitoring of dynamic drivetrains driven by electric and hydraulic actuators. By collaborating with the local industry, and combining PhD’s with more applied research, the results are application-oriented. The drivetrains are approached by means of a global electromechanical design process in which components, actuators, sensors and control algorithms are selected. This approach, considering the complete drivetrain, is realized by a combination of different physical models. By validating and updating the models experimentally, realistic results are obtained from simulation. The main goal is to obtain robust, fast, energy efficient and noiseless motions. These machine motions are controlled, monitored and optimized by feedback systems that obtained by both real and virtual sensing techniques. The lab infrastructure provides a wide variety of industrial machinery and applications.
SYSTeMS Campus Kortrijk
Graaf Karel de Goedelaan 5
056 24 12 12