Frank Gielen

FrankGielen.jpgFrank Gielen has extensive experience with R&D in the telecommunication and software technology sector as well as in raising venture capital, university-industry collaborative research and spin-off creation. He held a number of technical and management positions in the software industry. He started as a software architect with AT&T Bell Labs in the USA and was director of software technology at Alcatel. In 1998 he joined Tellium, a US based start up company in optical network technology, as the VP of Software Engineering. Tellium had a successful IPO on NASDAQ in 2001. He returned to Europe in 2001 as the CEO for Tellium EMEA. In 2002 he became a part time professor of software engineering at the University of Ghent where he works on the cross road of entrepreneurship and research in collaboration with IBBT. From 2007 – 2010, he was the CEO of Siruna, a spin-off of IBBT & UGent in the domain of mobile internet.



Phone +32 9 331 49 28

Research explorer