Interdisciplinary research

Research interests

1. Mathematical and statistical modelling

The members of this group conduct research in the field of mathematical and statistical modeling. More specifically, they focus on methodological issues that arise when using or selecting the appropriate model. The members are also involved in interdisciplinary research in which their quantitative expertise is an added value.

2. Labour market discrimination / Transition from school to work / Work and health

In this study of the labour market, we collaborate with psychologists, sociologists and health scientists, among others. In particular, we work on topics that are also studied in their fields, such as burn-out and labour market discrimination. The interdisciplinary approach of this research will only increase in the coming years as Stijn Baert is the leader of UGent @ Work, the platform that brings together all UGent professors that conduct research on work and the labor market. Stijn Baert is also Academic Editor of the well-known multidisciplinary journal Plos One.

3. Historical Economics and Econometric History

The members of this group collaborate to analyze the functioning of the economy in the past with a view of understanding the past but also to point out how our economy today has been shaped by that past. Historical Economics is mainly the work of a collaboration between economists and historians.

4. Complex social and economic systems

The Complex Systems Institute is an interdisciplinary research group for the study of critical events in complex social and economic systems.
New theories of complex systems, a surge in computational capacity and abundant Big data have produced disruptive new insights that reach across traditional disciplinary boundaries. The Complex Systems Institute at Ghent University was set up as a result of this revolution and aims to bring together researchers interested in studying nature from a systems perspective, using data and network sciences, statistical physics and computational modelling.

Key publications

1. Mathematical and statistical modelling

2. Labour market discrimination / Transition from school to work / Work and health

3. Historical Economics and Econometric History

4. Complex social and economic systems


Recent PhD graduates

First or current placement (when available) in parenthesis

  • Kevin Hoefman, November 2020, Live agent-based models
  • Brecht Neyt, August 2020, How decisions in school affect how easily you find a job (and a date) 
  • Eline D'haene, June 2020, The Devil is in the details: disclosing the impact of religion on the milk system in Ethiopia 
  • Andres M Belaza Vallejo, January 2020, Statistical physics of social-economic systems in real and virtual worlds 
  • Milan Van Den Heuvel, September 2019, Addressing socioeconomic challenges with micro-level trace data