Contract work
Our expertise acquired by our various research projects is in many instances being valorized through contract services. Such scientific contract work always aims for both a scientific surplus as well as financial profits, benefiting both contractor and contracted. Consequently, the contract work we perform is build around the clusters of scientific expertise present within the laboratory and its affiliated research partners.
What do we have to offer?
We are an independent research centre performing customer oriented contract services in such fields as bioanalysis, pharmacokinetics, clinical chemistry, mass spectrometry, quantitative target analysis,... We provide specialized services built upon cutting edge R&D for governmental, academic and private industrial customers. Our service aims to be customer oriented and result driven. Information and data are always treated strictly confidental.
Read more via the link Validated Analytical Methods
Whom (do) (have) we collaborate(d) with?
Some recent examples:
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology (FFW, UGent)
Questions, proposals, special demands:
see our contact details
Useful links
Mass spectrometry related
- American Society for Mass Spectrometry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry
- British Mass Spectrometry society
- European Society for Mass Spectrometry
- International Mass Spectrometry Foundation
- Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
- Mass Spectrometry Reviews