Analytical toxicology & therapeutic drug monitoring

Research domain

The research unit uses sophisticated analytical techniques (LC-MS/MS, GC-MS, ICP-MS) to develop methods for detection and quantification of drugs and other analytes in biological fluids. We also focus on the potential usefulness of the developed methods in standard patient care. The chromatographic methods are continuously challenged against available or new immunoassays in order to provide optimal therapeutic drug monitoring.


Research topics

  • TDM of beta-lactam antibiotics in intensive care patients.
  • Protein binding and unbound drug concentrations.
  • Monitoring of metal ions in patients with hip and other implants.
  • Development of analytical methods for the detection of medicinal and recreational drugs in biofluids.
  • The effects of drugs on driving performance.
    • TDM of anticancer drugs (focus on tyrosine kinase inhibitors and busulfan/fludarabine)
    • Microsampling to facilitate TDM in routine patient care
    • Detection and characterization of novel psychoactive substances


Prof. Dr. Alain Verstraete

Prof. Dr. Veronique Stove

Dr. Apr. Matthijs Oyaert

Apr. Nick Verougstraete (PhD student)
