Mar 10
Lecture 'The Talent Passport: Mastering subjective assessments in talent identification (TID)'
Proximus Basecamp, Rue de Bruxelles 486, 1480 Tubeke
Mar 28
Lecture 'Meet the PhD Jury - Integrin a11, a CAF biomarker and target & Characterizing fibroblast heterogeneity in cancers: divergent effects on immunotherapy response'
Meeting room Together, The CORE (Entrance 37a), UZ Ghent, 9000 Ghent
Oct 6
Symposium 'AI & training - Friend of foe?'
ORSI, Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090 Melle
PhD defenses
Feb 17
A Bermuda Triangle: Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, Liver Function and Alcohol Consumption
Onghena, Louis
Feb 21
Targeting IL‐9 and IL‐21 in asthma and immuno‐oncology
Bick, Fabian
Feb 24
Systemic immune epigenomic predictors of immunotherapy response in NSCLC patients: Potential and pitfalls
Marcos Rubio, Álvaro
Feb 25
Unraveling inflammatory responses in pollutant-aggravated allergic asthma
De Volder, Joyceline