In de kijker
feb 8
Infosessie 'Genetica, diagnose en gentherapie voor zeldzame ziekten'
UZ Gent Restaurant (ingang 8), C. Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Gent
feb 13
Lezing 'Slag om Passendale 1917: Edward Revere Osler, de zoon van William Osler sneuvelt'
Campus UZ Gent, Gebouw K3 (ingang 42), Auditorium A, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Gent
feb 22
Lezing 'Dokter Google: opsporen van huidkanker met AI'
De Krook, Miriam Makebaplein 1, 9000 Gent
mei 22
Experimentencafé COMON
De Krook
feb 13
Continuity of Care in Chronic Disease Management: Exploring Gaps and Improvement Strategies for Diabetes and Hypertension Care in Vietnam
Le Ho Thi, Quynh Anh
feb 14
The role of autonomic function in the onset of frailty in older persons
Debain, Aziz
feb 14
Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Treatment Planning of Syndesmotic Ankle Lesions”.
Peiffer, Matthias
feb 17
A Bermuda Triangle: Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, Liver Function and Alcohol Consumption
Onghena, Louis