Cell-Cell Communication in the Neurogliovascular Unit at the Level of the Blood-Brain Barrier: Focus on Endothelial-Glial Interactions, Inflammation and the Role of Calcium and Connexins

Physiology Group


Project 3

Cell-Cell Communication in the Neurogliovascular Unit at the Level of the Blood-Brain Barrier: Focus on Endothelial-Glial Interactions, Inflammation and the Role of Calcium and Connexins


  • To determine the role of connexins in endothelial-astrocyte communication in inflammation-induced blood-brain barrier dysfunction.
  • To investigate how reactive astrocytes communicate with blood-brain barrier endothelial cells, ultimately leading to BBB dysfunction in acute inflammatory conditions
  • To investigate the potential of modulating connexin channels and calcium signaling to prevent disturbed blood-brain barrier function

Funding Ageny

Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) Research Project 2015-2018, PI Luc Leybaert in collaboration with Prof. Roosmarijn Vandenbroucke, VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, Department Biomedical Molecular Biology, Barriers in Inflammation group, Ghent University


Luc Leybaert