Pieter Uyttenhove

Steering Group Member

Pieter Uyttenhove is emeritus professor at Ghent University.

He studied urban planning at the Institut d’urbanisme de Paris (IUP, Paris XII) and engineer-architect at Leuven University and made his doctorate at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris.

His research is on 19th and 20th century theory and history of urbanism and landscape. He was visiting professor at Columbia University from In 2000 he was invited scholar at the Canadian Centre of Architecture in Montreal, and in 2020, holding the P.P. Rubens Chair at the University of California, Berkeley.

His most recent books are Recollecting Landscapes (2018) and Marcel Lods: Éduquer à l'architecture moderne (2022), both as co-editor, and La puissance projective (2021, co-author).