The meaning of leisure time in the lifeworld of children and young people in socially vulnerable situations

PhD student: Saan Van Elsen
Summary: This research project aims to map the lifeworld of socially vulnerable young people and focuses specifically on the meaning of leisure time in their lifeworld. In a first quantitative study, we will verify if there are socio economic and cultural differences on young people’s aspirations towards leisure and how these differences relate to their actual leisure time participation. We therefore use the data gathered from the JOP-schoolmonitor 2 in 2018. A second qualitative study will examine how socially vulnerable young people shape and give meaning to their leisure time and how this process is influenced by their lifeworld. In the last qualitative study we’ll focus on the role of the environment and the local leisure actors for the young people’s leisure time participation.
PhD in Educational Sciences
Promoter(s): Lieve Bradt
Periode of time: October 2019 - October 2023