Preventive school-based interventions to promote the mental well-being of refugee and migrant adolescents | RefugeesWellSchool

RefugeesWellSchoolRefugeesWellSchool is a European Horizon2020 project (agreement no. 75484) carried out by seven partners in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and the United Kingdom. Its objective is to advance the evidence-base on the role of preventive, school-based interventions in promoting refugee and migrant adolescents' mental well-being, and on how they can be implemented in educational settings. The project evaluates the effectiveness and implementation of five interventions:

  1. In-Service Teacher Training and Teaching Recovery Techniques
  2. Classroom Drama
  3. Welcome to School programme
  4. Enhancing Peer Interactions and Social Capital programme
  5. In-service Teacher Training

We look at effectiveness in terms of mental well-being, and aim at reducing mental health problems of refugee and migrant adolescents, as well as increasing resilience, social support networks, positive relationships, and school belonging.

PromotorProf. dr. Ilse Derluyn
Period: Marz 2019 - Marz 2022